Get ready for the springtime!
The spring is coming along with work in the field and outdoors. After the winter, a variety of defects is detected in the machinery that need to be repaired before the spring arrives.
Many farmers buy new machines in the spring, many buy spare parts and prepare their machines for 100% performance. As you have some time to do so, we bring you some tips for the spring checks of your beloved machine, no matter whether it is a ZETOR tractor or another farm machine.
Oil – check the oil level of the tractor after every ride and do not neglect it before the first spring ride. Use a dipstick and refill oil if its level is insufficient. Also check the lubrication system connections for leaks.
Your tractor will be grateful to you!
Coolant – check the coolant in your tractor. Low-freezing coolant mixed with distilled/soft water must be refilled periodically. When checking the coolant, it is also suitable to blow the cooling fins with compressed air.
Brakes – they belong undoubtedly to the most important parts of the tractor, which must be checked very carefully and frequently. Therefore, change the brake pads regularly and check the brakes to see if they work. When checking the brakes, it is good to look at the amount of brake fluid in the tank.
Tires – we recommend checking them before every ride, especially for any cracks or insufficient pattern. If there are large cracks in the tires or are too worn, replace them as soon as possible. It is also advisable to check the tightening of bolts and nuts and tighten them if necessary.
Lights – check if all the lights of your tractor are shining. Lights are also important parts of the tractor which should be all right, especially when you drive the tractor on the road.
Fuel – now just check the amount of fuel, refill it if necessary, and you can go to cultivate your field!
We wish you a happy journey without technical problems and complications, and if you need high quality spare parts, do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts will be happy to advise you!
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